
教 案 2022-2023 学年第 一 学期 课程名称:通用工程英语读写 课程性质:公共课/选修课 授课学时:16学时 授课对象: 生物20-(1-2)班;环工20-(1-2)班;能动20-(1-2)班;热动20-(1-2)给排水20(1-3) 任课教师:彭娟 ‘ 长沙理工大学外国语学院 2022.9 全课程教案 一、基本信息 课程名称 通用工程英语读写 课程编号 1201100145 课程性质 公共课,选修课 学分 1 教学安排 总学时16。其中讲授 16学时,实验 0 学时,上机 0 学时,实训 0 学时 授课时间:第 1 周 至 第8周 周学时 2 相关课程与环节 先修课程: 综合英语(一)、综合英语(二)、通用工程英语听说(上)、通用工程英语听说(下) 二、授课对象 基本情况 专业 生物、环工能动、热动给排水 年级 2020级 班级 生物20-(1-2)班;环工20-(1-2);能动20-(1-3)班;给排水20-(1-3)班 修读人数 310人 授课对象分析 修读学生为本校理工类2020级,男生占比重,学习较为主动、积极。相比同类专业学生,其先修课程的成绩和英语应用能力并无明显优势,但学生对工程英语的需求明显高于对基础英语的需求,对工程英语学习的主动性也明显高于对基础英语的主动性,更是对用英语获取专业概况性知识表现出较强的积极性和满足感。 三、教学内容与安排 课程简介与要求 《通用工程英语读写》为我校理工科类专业的公共选修课程(限选)。该课程以英语为媒介,以工程施工流程为主线,通过读写输入的方式介绍涉外工程项目所涉及的基本语言要素在专业领域内的使用规则和通用法则,以帮助理工科学生了解工程流程可能涉及的英文文本,从而培养工科专业学生在未来职业场景下的语言运用能力。 《通用工程英语读写》课程也可以作为英语专业了解涉外工程项目所涉及的基本知识的拓展课程,本课程的教学也可以在宏观上提升文科学生对涉外工程项目的熟悉度与敏感度。 课程目标 课程目标 支撑毕业要求指标点 与课程关联度 1.掌握国际工程项目的一般流程及各环节的主要工作内容。 熟悉涉外工程项目流程、未来职场国际化语境、国际通用合同范本等 高 2.掌握项目尽职调查的内涵、过程、主要目标、评估要素等。 3.熟悉主要国际工程合同的撰写机构,FIDIC合同简史、索赔及不可抗因素。 4. 了解尽职调查的主要目标和评估指标。 具备开阔的国际视野、工程化的思维方法、家国情怀等。 中 5.了解NEC和FIDIC合同的差异。 6.了解公司组建的要素,工程单位的基本组织框架及部门工作内容; 了解项目所在国的政治经济、人文环境等。 低 教学方法 1.翻转课堂教学法 通过课前加大阅读的语言输入方式,和课后加大写译的语言输出方式,践行“以学生为中心”翻转课堂教育理念。通过扩大输入和读写强化提高理工科学生的语言应用能力,培养学生的自主学习能力。 2.职业场景教学法 以工程流程为逻辑主线,通过介绍国际项目的相关行业知识和语言知识,培育理工科学生的职业语境和国际化视野,以增强学生独立处理国际项目的能力和缩短适应国际项目的适应时间。 教师点评、分析重点难点 具体教学方法流程图如下: 教学重点 与难点 重点: ① 工程行业专门用途英语词汇及通用规则; ② 翻转课堂的实施效果; ③ 课堂教学与在线学习的融合。 难点: ① 工程流程及主要环节的工作内容; ② 尽职调查的广度与深度的讲解。 课程各教学环节内容与安排 知识单元 知识点 课内学时 教学方式 作业/测验 课外学习 公司与工程项目简介 公司的组建与组织结构 2 学生课堂讨论、教师讲解 P6 writing: organizational structure 4学时 复习Section A 预习Section B 项目流程及各环节主要工作内容 2 学生课堂讨论、教师讲解 P6&P12 Translation 4学时 复习第一单元 预习第二单元 可行性研究 可行性研究的涵义与流程 2 学生课堂讨论、教师讲解 P21 & P22 Answering questions 4学时 复习第二单元 预习第四单元 国际工程合同 主要国际工程合同的撰写机构、FIDIC合同简史 2 学生课堂讨论、教师讲解 P51 & P52 Answering questions 4学时 复习第四单元 预习5-Section B NEC合同简介、1999年FIDIC新合同 2 学生课堂讨论、教师讲解 10月2日国庆放假 FIDIC合同介绍 FIDIC合同索赔(雇主)与不可抗拒因素 2 学生课堂讨论、教师讲解 P71 Answering questions 4学时 复习5-Section B 预习4-Section B预习5-Section A NEC与FIDIC合同 NEC合同与FIDIC合同比较 2 学生课堂讨论、教师讲解 Preview for final quiz 4学时 Preview for final quiz 开卷考试 第一、二、四、五单元 2 注:课程目标、教学方法、重难点、教学环节(知识单元、知识点等)等内容应与教学大纲、教学日历一致。课外学习可包括学时和内容要求。 四、考核方式 考核项目 考核内容 考核方式 分值或占比 期末考试 课程教学内容 开卷笔试 60 小测验 各知识模块 随堂考试 10 作业 课后习题 提交作业 20 课堂表现 出勤率和课堂参与度 考勤、课堂讨论、课堂展示等 10 注:考核方式应符合课程教学大纲的要求。 五、教学资源 推荐教材 通用工程英语读写教程,刘坛孝主编,上海交通大学出版社,2018年. 参考材料 [1] Oberlender, Garold D.. Project Management for Engineering and Construction. New York:The McGraw-Hill Companies,2007. [2] 菲迪克(FIDIC)合同指南[G]. 国际咨询工程师联合会、中国工程师咨询协会,编译. 机械工业出版社,2016. [3] 国际工程实务英语百事通. 郎守廉编著, 北京:中国建筑工业出版社, 2011. 课程资源 教务处网络教学综合平台http://pt.csust.edu.cn/meol/homepage/common/ 教材分析与处理 推荐使用的教材以完整的工程施工流程为主线,包括10章共40篇400多字的短文,但是本课程只有16学时。所以,教学内容只选取较难理解和先修课程涉及较少的第一、二、四、五单位,再根据教学材料内部的逻辑性和具体课时数限制,确定详细讲解其中的12篇短文,另外4篇短文作为泛读材料要求学生课外完成。 又由于教材编写篇幅的限制,教学者选取参考材料中的相关知识要点作为课堂教学材料的补充,同时网络搜索相切合的视频、音频等材料,以增加学生对相关话题的感性认识。 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Unit 1 Company and Engineering Project Introduction 课次 Lecture 1 授课类型 理论课√ 讨论课√ 实验课□ 习题课□ 其他□ 学时 4 课程目标与要求 After studying this unit, readers should be able to: 1. Understand lawfully incorporating a company; 2. Get familiar with a company’s organizational structures; 3. Know the operational procedures of an engineering project. 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点:Stages in a Project Cycle 难点:(1) Introduction of The Company Law of the People’s Republic of China. (2) The exact duty of each department/sector in an organizational structure of an engineering company. 教学内容 Text 1 Incorporation of a company Text 2 Organizational Structure of a company Text 3 Project Early-Stage Preparation Text 4 Project Execution 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching Methods: (1) Flipped Class Teaching, (2) Teaching based on Occupational Scenes. Under the guidance of the methods, students are expected to read through related materials in our textbook and/or provided by the teacher before classroom teaching. The first 20 minutes in each class is available for students to propose issues or questions for their peers to discuss. While the left 25 minutes is for the instructor to clarify and interpret the texts from the perspective of writing focusing on the organizational structure and contents, and to extend associated topic(s). 作业与 思考题设置 1. Writing: Organizational Structure of a Company. 2. E-C translation of pages 6 & 12. 3. Previewing Unit 2 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Outcome: Getting familiar with the incorporation and organizational structure of a company, and being aware of the fundamental stages of a Project Cycle. Feedback: Discipline-based or occupation-based topics are significantly beneficial to further study, research and working, but sometime few candidates feel that it is too abstract and too far away from current experiences, which brings dilemmas from time to time. Improvement: Providing more general teaching materials, and interpreting the disciplinary issues with more specification. 备注 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Unit 2 Feasibility Study 课次 Lecture 2 授课类型 理论课√ 讨论课√ 实验课□ 习题课□ 其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 After studying this unit, readers should be able to: 1. Understand the definition and objectives of feasibility studies; 2. Grasp the basic procedure of conducting feasibility studies; 3. Know the basic structure of feasibility study; 4. Write a feasibility study. 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点:The definition and processes of a feasibility study. 难点:(1) The basic structure of feasibility studies. (2) Writing a qualified feasibility study. 教学内容 Text 1 What is a feasibility study? Text 2 Processes of a feasibility study 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching Methods: (1) Flipped Class Teaching, (2) Teaching based on Occupational Scenes. Under the guidance of the methods, students are expected to read through related materials in our textbook and/or provided by the teacher before classroom teaching. The first 20 minutes in each class is available for students to propose issues or questions for their peers to discuss. While the left 25 minutes is for the instructor to clarify and interpret the texts from the perspective of writing focusing on the organizational structure and contents, and to extend associated topic(s). 作业与 思考题设置 1. Answering questions on pages 21 & 22. 2. Previewing Unit 4. 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Outcome: Getting familiar with the definition, processes and objectives of a feasibility study, and with the elements of a feasibility assessment. Feedback: Conducting a feasibility study is a kind of complicated collaboration among the developer, the promoter, the potential contractor, the employer, etc. It is easy to be confused in understanding their individual duty. Improvement: Providing more general teaching materials concerning feasibility study, and interpreting them with more specification in the form of videos. 备注 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Unit 4 International Engineering Contracts 课次 Lecture 3 授课类型 理论课√ 讨论课√ 实验课□ 习题课□ 其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 After studying this unit, readers should be able to: 1.Understand the history and development of the three major international engineering contracts 2. Explore the reasons for the changes in the development of the major representative engineering contracts. 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点:(1) The development of contracts compiled by ICE, AIA, FIDIC. (2) The history and development of FIDIC contracts. 难点:(1) The different applicability of the contracts by ICE, AIA, FIDIC. (2) The similarities and differences of the contracts by ICE, AIA, FIDIC. 教学内容 Text 1 (Section A) Major Institutions Compiling Engineering Contracts Text 1 (Section B) A Brief History of the FIDIC Contracts 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching Methods: (1) Flipped Class Teaching, (2) Teaching based on Occupational Scenes. Under the guidance of the methods, students are expected to read through related materials in our textbook and/or provided by the teacher before classroom teaching. The first 20 minutes in each class is available for students to propose issues or questions for their peers to discuss. While the left 25 minutes is for the instructor to clarify and interpret the texts from the perspective of writing focusing on the organizational structure and contents, and to extend associated topic(s). 作业与 思考题设置 1. Searching for four international/multinational financial organizations, and briefly introducing two of them. 2. Previewing Unit 5. 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Outcome: Knowing how the three major international engineering contracts have come into being, and the development of The Red Book, The Yellow Book, and The Orange Book, as well as the general differences among the three. Feedback: The prepared issues/topics under the flipped class teaching method by each team may be a little bit beyond their peers’ ability to express their ideas frankly and fluently. Improvement: Preparing more general issues/topics for discussion, offering some words or expressions as to them, providing more forms of discussion and teaching with the help of multiple media. 备注 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Unit 4 International Engineering Contracts Unit 5 FIDIC Conditions of Contracts 课次 Lecture 4 授课类型 理论课√ 讨论课√ 实验课□ 习题课□ 其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 After studying this unit, readers should be able to: 1. Understand the main features and applicability of NEC contracts. 2. Understand the suitability of the new FIDIC contracts 1999. 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点:(1) The four stages in the development of NEC contracts compiled by ICE. (2) The four kinds of New FIDIC contracts. 难点:(1) Understanding the substantial differences among the four NECS based only on the information offered in the textbook. (2) Understanding the titles of the four kinds of The New FIDIC Contracts in 1999. 教学内容 Text 2 (Section A,Unit 4) NEC Contracts Text 1 (Section A,Unit 5) The New FIDIC Contracts 1999 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching Methods: (1) Flipped Class Teaching, (2) Teaching based on Occupational Scenes. Under the guidance of the methods, students are expected to read through related materials in our textbook and/or provided by the teacher before classroom teaching. The first 20 minutes in each class is available for students to propose issues or questions for their peers to discuss. While the left 25 minutes is for the instructor to clarify and interpret the texts from the perspective of writing focusing on the organizational structure and contents, and to extend associated topic(s). 作业与 思考题设置 1. Finding out the content of the four NECS and their reason(s) for the end-to-end changes. 2. Introducing briefly the applicability of the four new contracts in 1999. 3. Previewing Section B, Unit 5. 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Outcome: Getting familiar with the development of the four NECs, and knowing a little bit reason causing the changes. Clarifying significantly the four kinds of FIDIC contracts, namely, the “Red Book”, the “Yellow Book”, the “Silver Book”, and the “Green Book”, and their applicability scale. Feedback: The prepared issues/topics under the flipped class teaching method by each team may be a little bit beyond their peers’ ability to express their ideas frankly and fluently. Specifically the complex degree of NEC and FIDIC contracts makes understanding more difficultly. Improvement: Preparing more general issues/topics for discussion, offering some words or expressions as to them, providing more forms of discussion and teaching with the help of multiple media. Presenting the development of NEC and FIDIC Contracts with chart. 备注 October 1, National Day Holiday 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Unit 5 FIDIC Conditions of Contracts 课次 Lecture 5 授课类型 理论课√ 讨论课√ 实验课□ 习题课□ 其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 After studying this unit, readers should be able to: 1. Understand the conditions and ways to make a claim as the employer. 2. Understand the key articles of making a claim and force majeure. 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点:(1) The clauses indicating the rights to claim payment. (2) The definition of force majeure and its exceptional events or circumstances. 难点:The definition to the contract parties’ responsibilities of force majeure, and its conditions to applicability. 教学内容 Section B Text 1 Making a Claim under the FIDIC Contract (the Employer) Text 2 Force Majeure 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching Methods: (1) Flipped Class Teaching, (2) Teaching based on Occupational Scenes. Under the guidance of the methods, students are expected to read through related materials in our textbook and/or provided by the teacher before classroom teaching. The first 20 minutes in each class is available for students to propose issues or questions for their peers to discuss. While the left 25 minutes is for the instructor to clarify and interpret the texts from the perspective of writing focusing on the organizational structure and contents, and to extend associated topic(s). 作业与 思考题设置 1. Answering the questions on page 71. 2. Previewing the content to The Comparison of NEC and FIDIC Contracts, including text two, section B, unit 4, and text two, section A, unit 5. 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Outcome: Getting familiar with the sub-clauses for the employer to claim under certain circumstances or events. Getting familiar with the specific events or circumstances regarding as force majeure. Feedback: The prepared issues/topics under the flipped class teaching method by each team may be a little bit beyond their peers’ ability to express their ideas frankly and fluently. The terms concerning these two topics are easy to understand but difficult to keep in mind. Improvement: Preparing more general issues/topics for discussion, offering some words or expressions as to them, providing more forms of discussion and teaching with the help of multiple media. 备注 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Unit 4 International Engineering Contracts Unit 5 FIDIC Conditions of Contracts 课次 Lecture 6 授课类型 理论课√ 讨论课√ 实验课□ 习题课□ 其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 After studying this comparison, readers should be able to: 1. Understand the main aspects in which they are similar to and different from one another. 2. Understand the similarities and differences between NEC and FIDIC Contracts. 3. Use the strategies of comparison and contrast in writing. 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点:(1) Three main aspects in comparing and contrasting NEC and FIDIC contracts. (2) The applicability of comparison and contrast in writing. 难点:The grasp of specific contents in understanding the similarities and differences between NEC and FIDIC contracts. 教学内容 Text 1 (Section B, Unit 4) A Comparison of NEC and FIDIC Contracts (1) Text 2 (Section A, Unit 5) A Comparison of NEC and FIDIC Contracts (2) 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching Methods: (1) Flipped Class Teaching, (2) Teaching based on Occupational Scenes. Under the guidance of the methods, students are expected to read through related materials in our textbook and/or provided by the teacher before classroom teaching. The first 20 minutes in each class is available for students to propose issues or questions for their peers to discuss. While the left 25 minutes is for the instructor to clarify and interpret the texts from the perspective of writing focusing on the organizational structure and contents, and to extend associated topic(s). 作业与 思考题设置 Review for final quiz: understanding the texts mainly from the perspective of engineering knowledge, and being ready to answer questions based on the information discussed in the textbook. 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Outcome: Learnt the significance of compare and contrast in writing and the applicability of them in actual writing, by which the similar matters can be clarified. Feedback: The prepared issues/topics under the flipped class teaching method by each team may be a little bit beyond their peers’ ability to express their ideas frankly and fluently. The use of strategy in writing brings richness and fullness to a dull and hollow work. Improvement: Preparing more general issues/topics for discussion, offering some words or expressions as to them, providing more forms of discussion and teaching with the help of multiple media. 备注

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