
课程介绍 随着国家 “一带一路”战略的稳步推进,越来越多的中国企业,尤其是与基础设施建设密切相关的工程类企业 “走出去”已成为未来经济的新常态。培养 “具有国际视野、通晓国际规则、能够参与国际事务和国际竞争的国际化人才”成为高等院校对接 “一带一路”战略的教育使命。该使命的完成离不开语言表达,这对外语教学提出了新的要求。 语言教学的目的,一方面要让学生能用外语获取世界范围内的相关学科的基础知识和前沿知识,这是外语教学工具性功能的诠释;另一方面要让学生能早日了解未来职业场景的国际化环境,这是外语教学应用性功能的诠释。语言教学的工具性功能最终都将服务于应用型功能,语言应用才是终极目标。 基于以上语言教学目标,《通用工程英语听说教程》的目标定位是通过将未来企业驻外工程项目的场景并置于当下教学场景,培养工程类学生的国际项目素养,实现目标职业需求与目前学习需求的 “无缝对接”。本教材以国际化工程单位可能涉及的职业语境为语料,通过模拟相关工程化外语场景与文本,切实提高学生的口语和听力的应用能力。 《通用工程英语听说教程》以工程施工流程为主线,尽量囊括每个施工阶段可能涉及的环境,重点介绍工程项目所涉及的基本语言要素在专业领域内的使用规则和通用法则,而非学科专业知识。因此,在讲授过程中尽量避免用语言解读专业知识这一弊端或倾向。该教材内容定位于专门用途职场英语(EOP:English for Occupational Purpose),主要通过听力输入的方式培养、提高学生在工程领域内基本的听说技能,以语言培育的手段提升工程类应用型人才的国际化能力与视野。鉴于教材的特点和性质,文本基本呈现方式以案例为主,而非概述性介绍。 {C}{C}{C}{C}{C}{C} {C}{C} 教 案 2019 - 2020 学年第 二 学期 课 程 名 称 通用工程英语听说(下) 授 课 教 师 边立红 职 称 副教授 外国语学院公共外语提高部 Unit 11 Teaching Plan(教案) 系部:公共外语提高部 教师姓名: 课程名称 通用工程英语听说(下) 授课专业及班级 2018级理工类 Teaching Span (教学学时) 2 periods Teaching Means (教学手段) Multi-media (Teaching Content) 教学内容 Unit 11 Site Inspection (2) Teaching Aims (教学目的) Students will be able to : 1. get a general understanding of some tips for site inspection; 2. understand some tips for the inspector’s duty; 3. obtain the basic knowledge of inspecting. Teaching Focus (教学重点) 1.Some tips for inspecting; 2.Oral practice on the given topic. Teaching Difficulties (教学难点) {C}1. {C}{C}{C}Some tips for how to inspect. {C}2. {C}{C}{C}Basic knowledge of inspection. Teaching Method (教学方法) Task-based teaching method. Teaching Procedures and Time Allotment (教学设计) 1. Lead-in: a general understanding of some tips for site inspection; 2. Some tips for site inspection; 3. obtain the basic knowledge of inspection; 4. Oral practice on the given topic. Unit 12 Teaching Plan(教案) 系部:公共外语提高部 教师姓名: 课程名称 通用工程英语听说(下) 授课专业及班级 2018级理工类 Teaching Span (教学学时) 2 periods Teaching Means (教学手段) Multi-media (Teaching Content) 教学内容 Unit 12 Negotiation (1) Teaching Aims (教学目的) Students will be able to : 1. get a general understanding of some tips for Negotiation; 2. understand some tips for negotiation on prices; 3. obtain the basic knowledge of negotiation for International Project contract. Teaching Focus (教学重点) 1.Some tips for negotiation; 2. Oral practice on the given topic. Teaching Difficulties (教学难点) {C}1. {C}{C}{C}Some tips for negotiation for International Project contract. {C}2. {C}{C}{C}Basic knowledge of for International Project contract. Teaching Method (教学方法) Task-based teaching method. Teaching Procedures and Time Allotment (教学设计) 1. Lead-in: a general understanding of some tips for Negotiation ; 2. Some tips for negotiation on prices ; 3. obtain the basic knowledge for International Project contract. 4. Oral practice on the given topic. Unit 13 Teaching Plan(教案) 系部:公共外语提高部 教师姓名: 课程名称 通用工程英语听说(下) 授课专业及班级 2018级理工类 Teaching Span (教学学时) 2 periods Teaching Means (教学手段) Multi-media (Teaching Content) 教学内容 Unit 13 Negotiation (3) Teaching Aims (教学目的) Students will be able to : 1. get a general understanding of some tips for Negotiation; 2. understand some tips for Negotiation on prices; 3. obtain the basic knowledge of how to refuse in negotiation. Teaching Focus (教学重点) 1.Some tips for negotiation on prices ; 2. Oral practice on the given topic. Teaching Difficulties (教学难点) {C}1. {C}{C}{C}Some tips for refusing in negotiation . {C}2. {C}{C}{C}Basic knowledge of the negotiation’s procedure. Teaching Method (教学方法) Task-based teaching method. Teaching Procedures and Time Allotment (教学设计) 1. Lead-in: a general understanding of some tips for negotiation; 2. Some tips for negotiation on prices; 3. obtain the basic knowledge of how to refuse in negotiation; 4. Oral practice on the given topic. Unit 14 Teaching Plan(教案) 系部:公共外语提高部 教师姓名: 课程名称 通用工程英语听说(下) 授课专业及班级 2018级理工类 Teaching Span (教学学时) 2 periods Teaching Means (教学手段) Multi-media (Teaching Content) 教学内容 Unit 14 Technical Discussion (1) Teaching Aims (教学目的) Students will be able to : 1. get a general understanding of causes of construction disputes; 2. understand some tips for method statement; 3. obtain the basic knowledge of how to organize method statement. Teaching Focus (教学重点) 1.Some tips for solving construction disputes ; 2. Oral practice on the given topic. Teaching Difficulties (教学难点) {C}1. {C}{C}{C}Some tips for organizing method statement. {C}2. {C}{C}{C}Basic knowledge of how to express ideas in method statment. Teaching Method (教学方法) Task-based teaching method. Teaching Procedures and Time Allotment (教学设计) 1. Lead-in: a general understanding of some tips for solving construction disputes; 2. Some tips for making method statement ; 3. obtain the basic knowledge of how to express ideas in method statement ; 4. Oral practice on the given topic. Unit 17 Teaching Plan(教案) 系部:公共外语提高部 教师姓名: 课程名称 通用工程英语听说(下) 授课专业及班级 2018级理工类 Teaching Span (教学学时) 2 periods Teaching Means (教学手段) Multi-media (Teaching Content) 教学内容 Unit 17 Construction (1) Teaching Aims (教学目的) Students will be able to : 1. get a general understanding of the 1st phrase of construction; 2. understand deeply of the 1st phrase of construction; 3. obtain the basic knowledge of how to do the preparatory work of “three connection and one leveling”. Teaching Focus (教学重点) 1. a general understanding of the 1st phrase of construction ; 2. Oral practice on the given topic. Teaching Difficulties (教学难点) {C}1. {C}{C}{C}understand deeply of the 1st phrase of construction . {C}2. {C}{C}{C}obtain the basic knowledge of how to do the preparatory work of “three connection and one leveling”. Teaching Method (教学方法) Task-based teaching method. Teaching Procedures and Time Allotment (教学设计) 1. get a general understanding of the 1st phrase of construction; 2. understand deeply of the 1st phrase of construction; 3. obtain the basic knowledge of how to do the preparatory work of “three connection and one leveling”. 4. Oral practice on the given topic. Unit 18 Teaching Plan(教案) 系部:公共外语提高部 教师姓名: 课程名称 通用工程英语听说(下) 授课专业及班级 2018级理工类 Teaching Span (教学学时) 2 periods Teaching Means (教学手段) Multi-media (Teaching Content) 教学内容 Unit 18 Construction (2) Teaching Aims (教学目的) Students will be able to : 1. get a general understanding of the 2nd phrase of construction; 2. understand more of construction; 3. obtain the basic knowledge of the process of the 2nd phrase of construction. Teaching Focus (教学重点) 1.Some tips for the 2nd phrase of construction; 2.Oral practice on the given topic. Teaching Difficulties (教学难点) {C}1. {C}{C}{C}some key points in the 2nd phrase of construction. {C}2. {C}{C}{C}more knowledge of the 2nd phrase of construction. Teaching Method (教学方法) Task-based teaching method. Teaching Procedures and Time Allotment (教学设计) 1. get a general understanding of the 2nd phrase of construction; 2. understand more of construction; 3. obtain the basic knowledge of the process of the 2nd phrase of construction ; 4. Oral practice on the given topic.

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  • 边立红发布了新的作业Summary writing on site inspection acceptance
  • 边立红发布了新的作业Summary writing on site inspection acceptance
  • 边立红发布了新的作业Summary writing on site inspection acceptance
  • 边立红发布了新的作业Summary writing on site inspection acceptance
  • 边立红发布了新的作业Summary writing on site inspection acceptance
  • 边立红发布了新的作业Summary writing on site inspection acceptance
  • 边立红发布了新的作业Writing a summary on the significance of security in site inspection
  • 边立红发布了新的作业Summary writing on site inspection acceptance
  • 边立红发布了新的作业Writing a summary on the significance of security in site inspection
  • 边立红发布了新的作业summary of unit3( Contruction Project Management)