
教 案 2022-2023 学年第 二 学期 课程名称: 英语口译 课程性质: 专业基础课 授课学时: 32学时 授课对象: 英语20-[1-2]班 任课教师: 段静 长沙理工大学外国语学院 2023.2 全课程教案 一、基本信息 课程名称 英语口译 课程编号 课程性质 专业基础课 学分 2 教学安排 总学时32。其中讲授 18学时,实验0学时,上机14学时,实训0学时 授课时间:第 1 周至第 16周 周学时 2 相关课程与环节 英语听力,口语,综合英语,联络口译,专题口译 二、授课对象 基本情况 专业 英语专业 年级 2020 班级 英语20-[1-2]班 修读人数 62 授课对象分析 授课对象为外国语学院20级英语专业1-2班全部学生。就目前掌握的情况来看,两个教学班级的学风良好,外语水平比较好 三、教学内容与安排 课程简介与要求 本课程与综合英语,英语口语、英语听力、联络口译、英汉互译等课程都有着密切的联系。交替传译,从过程来看,是从听、理解加笔记、短期记忆到说,这就要求译员有较强的听力理解、短期记忆力和口语表达能力。交替传译还需要对文化和跨文化知识和能力的要求。因此,在交替传译过程中所牵涉到的综合运用语言和言外知识的能力都基于上述所提到的各项课程。 课程目标 课程目标 支撑毕业要求指标点 与课程关联度 1.知识目标:夯实英语口译的方法和技巧,通晓涉外工程建设的国际规则和项目管理要素,熟悉工程项目各环节的常用表达和内在逻辑。 掌握中外语言文化知识、跨文化交际能力 高 2.能力目标:增强口译技巧的实践运用能力,形成涉外工程行业的工程思维能力,提高中外合作的文化理解能力和跨文化交际能力。 具备开阔的国际视野 高 3.素质目标:培养国际视野、家国情怀、理性思维和创新精神,树立严谨、求实的工程伦理价值观和服务国家战略的意识。 具有自主学习和终身学习的意识 中 教学方法 本课程的教学方法为产出式(POA)教学法实施课堂教学。基于学生对该课程信息量大而畏难的心理,本课程大致分为三个阶段:“驱动”“促成”和“评价”,即每次课前教师将下一次课上将涉及的内容布置下去,然后在课堂上以点名回答问题的方式进行串讲,形成第一次“促成”;接下来,根据学生回答问题的情况,让学生以小组讨论的形式对涉及的问题再次深入讨论,然后教师再次就相关问题组织课堂讨论,并对学生的回答进行评价,如此反复以达到教学目的 教学重点 与难点 重点: 难点: 课程各教学环节内容与安排 知识单元 知识点 课内学时 教学方式 作业/测验 课外学习 一、课程介绍 1.工程行业英语口译介绍。 2.课程介绍:通过本课程应该学习什么? 3.教学计划:学生如何参与。 1 研讨式 扩展阅读 自学微课 工程行业英语口译观摩 二、信息听辨与 工程前期口译 1.听辨中的信息预测、分层、重构技巧; 2.工程招投标、施工方案中的常用词汇与逻辑。 5 研讨式 情境式案例式 扩展阅读 专题练习 自学微课 口译观摩 口译竞赛 三、口译记忆与工程中期口译 1.短时记忆:视觉化记忆、比较记忆、逻辑归纳记忆; 2.工程开工、设备与材料采购中的常用词汇与逻辑。 6 研讨式 情境式案例式 扩展阅读 专题练习 自学微课 口译观摩 口译竞赛 四、公众演讲 1.公众演讲的要素和演说者的素养; 2.工程项目开工演说。 2 研讨式 情境式案例式 扩展阅读 专题练习 自学微课 口译观摩 口译竞赛 五、口译笔记与工程中期口译 1.口译笔记的基本原则、内容和方法;笔记符号; 2.施工现场、工程项目会议、安全质量管理中的常用词汇与逻辑。 6 研讨式 情境式案例式 扩展阅读 专题练习 自学微课 口译观摩 口译竞赛 六、数字口译与工程后期口译 1.数字口译的技巧; 2.工程索赔、工程项目验收中的常用词汇与逻辑。 6 研讨式 情境式案例式 扩展阅读 专题练习 口译观摩 口译竞赛 七、模拟口译I 赤道几内亚马拉博国际会议中心工程合同谈判现场口译 2 情境式 扩展阅读 专题练习 口译观摩 口译竞赛 八、模拟口译II 科特迪瓦阿比让港口建设工地检查现场口译 2 情境式 扩展阅读 专题练习 口译观摩 口译竞赛 九、总结与总评 2 期末测验 注:课程目标、教学方法、重难点、教学环节(知识单元、知识点等)等内容应与教学大纲、教学日历一致。课外学习可包括学时和内容要求。 四、考核方式 考核项目 考核内容 考核方式 分值或占比 课堂问答 课程教学内容 教师评议 10 代表陈述 专项练习分组讨论内容 师生共议 20 课后作业 扩展阅读、专题练习、微课预习 平台交流,师生共议 20 期末测试 学期教学内容 教师评议 40 课堂表现 出勤率和课堂参与度 学生评议 10 注:考核方式应符合课程教学大纲的要求。 五、教学资源 推荐教材 1. 雷天放、陈菁主编:《口译教程》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000年。 2. 黄坚主编:《通用工程英语听说教程》,出版社:复旦大学出版社,2017年。 3. 邹霞,刘黎主编:《工程英语口译实务》,北京:人民交通出版社,2015年。 参考材料 Deborah Brautigam. The Dragon’s Gift: the Real Story of China in Africa. Oxford University Press, 2009. 课程资源 1.慕课:学银在线《口译》、中国大学慕课网《交替传译》 2.其它网络资源:央视英语频道、CNN、BBC等 3.其它媒体资源:China Daily,The Times,Washington Post,etc.. 4. 教务处网络教学综合平台http://pt.csust.edu.cn/meol/jpk/course/blended_module/index.jsp?courseId=37216### 教材分析与处理 由于课程定位为涉外工程领域的口译教学,因此需将以技巧传授为主的《口译教程》和以工程英语知识介绍为主的《通用工程英语听说教程》《工程英语口译实务》相结合,另外辅以中外交流与合作、涉外工程项目方面的相关著作、报刊和网络资源,以从背景知识和案例两方面支撑、充实教学内容。 分课时教案 知识单元名称 An Introduction to Interpreting 课次 第1讲 授课类型 理论课□讨论课□实验课□习题课□其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 培养国际视野 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点:interpreting as a profession 难点:inspiring insterest 教学内容 1. History and present situation of consecutive interpreting 2. Types and criteria of interpreting 3. Procedures of interpreting 4. Basic requirements for interpreters: quite-witted, calm, resourceful 5. Training and mastery of interpreting skills 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching method:POA and discussing-type teaching mode Class interactive topic:more than 3 Teaching reformative measure:ask students to discuss in groups and answer questions instead of making presentations. 作业与 思考题设置 Watch a news briefing by the premier of China 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Ask questions to check students' completion of preview and review, enhance students' ability of critical thinking through group discussion and presentation, and improve the teaching effect by examining students' reflection on learning. 备注 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Memory training 课次 第2讲 授课类型 理论课□讨论课□实验课□习题课□其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 夯实英语口译的方法和技巧 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点: memory training 难点: visual memorizing 教学内容 1. Basic ideas about memorizing in interpreting 2. Training methods of short-term memory 1) Source language repetition 2) Target language repetition 3.Memory training: Chinese-Chinese and English-English a. Source language reproduction b. Target language reproduction 4. Pair-work 15min Materials: Exercise 2.4 and 2.5, Lesson 2 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching method:POA and discussing-type teaching mode Class interactive topic:more than 3 Teaching reformative measure:ask students to discuss in groups and answer questions instead of making presentations. 作业与 思考题设置 1. Review the speeches in Lesson 1 2. Draw attention to the following points: (1) Listening in interpreting is more complex and effort-consuming than the listening comprehension exercises which most English learners are familiar with. (2) An interpreter listens to get the message words carry. While listening, he forms the whole picture of the message, as well as the details. (3) Gist retelling is an effective way to train beginners to listen for the basic ideas of the message and remember it. 3. Perform 6 groups of exercises in memory training. 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Ask questions to check students' completion of preview and review, enhance students' ability of critical thinking through group discussion and presentation, and improve the teaching effect by examining students' reflection on learning. 备注 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Improving public speaking skills and memory efficiency 课次 第3讲 授课类型 理论课□讨论课□实验课□习题课□其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 增强口译技巧的实践运用能力 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点:public speaking 难点:memory efficiency 教学内容 1. Watch two public speeches and make comparisons and comments 2. Explanation by the instructor 3. Practice: Ask students to make speeches and pay attention to public speaking manners. Call for comments from students on their fellow students’ performances. 4. Exercises in reproduction: Exercises 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, Lesson 4 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching method:POA and discussing-type teaching mode Class interactive topic:more than 3 Teaching reformative measure:ask students to discuss in groups and answer questuions instead of making presentations. 作业与 思考题设置 1. Pair-work of remaining exercises in Lesson 2 2. Preview Lesson 4 Feature and layout of the interpreter’s notes and prepare a wordlist 3. Recite 2 classic English speeches 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Ask questions to check students' completion of preview and review, enhance students' ability of critical thinking through group discussion and presentation, and improve the teaching effect by examining students' reflection on learning. 备注 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Feature and layout of the interpreter’s notes 课次 第4讲 授课类型 理论课□讨论课□实验课□习题课□其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 夯实英语口译的方法和技巧 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点: note-taking skills 难点: symbols and abbreviation 教学内容 1. Teacher’s explanations on note-taking in interpreting. 2. Discussion of related questions in textbook 3. Teacher’s demonstration on note-taking 4. Note-taking training exercises Source-language and target language reproductions 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching method:POA and discussing-type teaching mode Class interactive topic:more than 3 Teaching reformative measure:ask students to discuss in groups and answer questuions instead of making presentations. 作业与 思考题设置 1. Pair-work of remaining exercises in Lesson 4 2. Preview Lesson 5 Professional interpreter’s notes system and prepare a wordlist 3. Analyze 3 notes in interpreting exercises 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Ask questions to check students' completion of preview and review, enhance students' ability of critical thinking through group discussion and presentation, and improve the teaching effect by examining students' reflection on learning. 备注 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Professional interpreter’s notes system 课次 第5讲 授课类型 理论课□讨论课□实验课□习题课□其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 夯实英语口译的方法和技巧 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点: systematic note-taking 难点: logical relations 教学内容 1. Two students’ presentations 2. Symbols and Abbreviations 3. Note-taking training exercises Source-language and target language reproductions 4. Interpreting exercises 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching method:POA and discussing-type teaching mode Class interactive topic:more than 3 Teaching reformative measure:ask students to discuss in groups and answer questuions instead of making presentations. 作业与 思考题设置 1. Pair-work of remaining exercises in Lesson 6 2. Preview Lesson 6 Coping tactics in comprehension and prepare a wordlist 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Ask questions to check students' completion of preview and review, enhance students' ability of critical thinking through group discussion and presentation, and improve the teaching effect by examining students' reflection on learning. 备注 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Interpreting figures 课次 第6讲 授课类型 理论课□讨论课□实验课□习题课□其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 夯实英语口译的方法和技巧 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点: figure interpreting 难点: enhancing speed 教学内容 1. Characteristics of different types of figures 2. Teacher’s introduction to the skills of figure interpreting 3. Pare-work 4. Interpreting exercises relating to figures 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching method:POA and discussing-type teaching mode Class interactive topic:more than 3 Teaching reformative measure:ask students to discuss in groups and answer questuions instead of making presentations. 作业与 思考题设置 1.10 groups of figure interpreting. 2. Preview Lesson 6 Coping tactics in comprehension and prepare a wordlist. 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Ask questions to check students' completion of preview and review, enhance students' ability of critical thinking through group discussion and presentation, and improve the teaching effect by examining students' reflection on learning. 备注 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Comprehensive training on note-takingⅠ 课次 第7讲 授课类型 理论课□讨论课□实验课□习题课□其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 增强口译技巧的实践运用能力 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点: note-taking and reconstruction 难点: note-taking 教学内容 1. Number-related expressions 2. Interpreting exercises relying on note-taking 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching method:POA and discussing-type teaching mode Class interactive topic:more than 3 Teaching reformative measure:ask students to discuss in groups and answer questuions instead of making presentations. 作业与 思考题设置 1.10 groups of figure interpreting. 2. Finish 3 passages of interpreting exercises 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Ask questions to check students' completion of preview and review, enhance students' ability of critical thinking through group discussion and presentation, and improve the teaching effect by examining students' reflection on learning. 备注 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Comprehensive training on note-takingⅡ 课次 第8讲 授课类型 理论课□讨论课□实验课□习题课□其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 增强口译技巧的实践运用能力 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点: note-taking and reconstruction 难点:reconstruction 教学内容 1. Students’ demonstrations on the black board and discussion. 2. Interpreting exercises on different themes 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching method:POA and discussing-type teaching mode Class interactive topic:more than 3 Teaching reformative measure:ask students to discuss in groups and answer questuions instead of making presentations. 作业与 思考题设置 1.10 groups of figure interpreting. 2. Finish 3 passages of interpreting exercises 3. Prepare for the liaison interpreting. 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Ask questions to check students' completion of preview and review, enhance students' ability of critical thinking through group discussion and presentation, and improve the teaching effect by examining students' reflection on learning. 备注 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Liaison interpreting 课次 第9讲 授课类型 理论课□讨论课□实验课□习题课□其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 增强口译技巧的实践运用能力 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点: liaison interpreting 难点: dealing with emergencies 教学内容 1. Teacher’s introduction about liaison interpreting 2. Group exercise on 3 subjects. 3. Choose 3 groups for demonstration 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching method:POA and discussing-type teaching mode Class interactive topic:more than 3 Teaching reformative measure:ask students to discuss in groups and answer questuions instead of making presentations. 作业与 思考题设置 1. Finish 3 passages of interpreting exercises. 2. Review all the interpreting methods and skills. 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Ask questions to check students' completion of preview and review, enhance students' ability of critical thinking through group discussion and presentation, and improve the teaching effect by examining students' reflection on learning. 备注 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Interpreting skills-anticipation 课次 第10讲 授课类型 理论课□讨论课□实验课□习题课□其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 夯实英语口译的方法和技巧 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点: anticipation skills 难点: starting anticipation 教学内容 1. Teacher’s introduction on anticipation in interpreting 2. Linguistic anticipation and extra-linguistic anticipation 3. Exercise and discusstion 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching method:POA and discussing-type teaching mode Class interactive topic:more than 3 Teaching reformative measure:ask students to discuss in groups and answer questuions instead of making presentations. 作业与 思考题设置 1. Finish 3 passages of interpreting exercises. 2. Review all the interpreting methods and skills 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Ask questions to check students' completion of preview and review, enhance students' ability of critical thinking through group discussion and presentation, and improve the teaching effect by examining students' reflection on learning. 备注 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Interpreting skills-identification of the main idea 课次 第11讲 授课类型 理论课□讨论课□实验课□习题课□其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 夯实英语口译的方法和技巧 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点:identify main idea 难点: reconstructing main idea 教学内容 1. Teacher’s introduction on identification of the main idea 2. Case analysis and discussion 3. Exercises 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching method:POA and discussing-type teaching mode Class interactive topic:more than 3 Teaching reformative measure:ask students to discuss in groups and answer questuions instead of making presentations. 作业与 思考题设置 1. Finish 3 passages of interpreting exercises. 3. Attend the discussion on the internet platform. 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Ask questions to check students' completion of preview and review, enhance students' ability of critical thinking through group discussion and presentation, and improve the teaching effect by examining students' reflection on learning. 备注 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Improving public speaking skills and memory efficiency 课次 第12讲 授课类型 理论课□讨论课□实验课□习题课□其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 夯实英语口译的方法和技巧 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点:Case analysis and discussion 难点: dealing with emergencies 教学内容 1. Teacher’s introduction on the characteristics of long sentences in English and Chinese. 2. Case analysis and discussion 3. Interpreting exercises 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching method:POA and discussing-type teaching mode Class interactive topic:more than 3 Teaching reformative measure:ask students to discuss in groups and answer questuions instead of making presentations. 作业与 思考题设置 1. Pair-work of remaining exercises in Lesson 12 2. Interpreting exercises 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Ask questions to check students' completion of preview and review, enhance students' ability of critical thinking through group discussion and presentation, and improve the teaching effect by examining students' reflection on learning. 备注 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Improving public speaking skills and memory efficiency 课次 第13讲 授课类型 理论课□讨论课□实验课□习题课□其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 增强口译技巧的实践运用能力 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点:Case analysis and discussion 难点: dealing with emergencies 教学内容 1. Discuss what the culture-bound elements are in interpreting 2. Case study 3. Interpreting exercises 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching method: POA and discussing-type teaching mode Class interactive topic: more than 3 Teaching reformative measure: ask students to discuss in groups and answer questions instead of making presentations. 作业与 思考题设置 1.Read the articles recommended by teacher. 2. Interpreting exercises. 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Ask questions to check students' completion of preview and review, enhance students' ability of critical thinking through group discussion and presentation, and improve the teaching effect by examining students' reflection on learning. 备注 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Interpreting skills-preparation in interpreting 课次 第14讲 授课类型 理论课□讨论课□实验课□习题课□其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 增强口译技巧的实践运用能力 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点: how to prepare 难点: think considerately 教学内容 1. Discuss what the culture-bound elements are in interpreting 2. Case study 3. Interpreting exercises 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching method:POA and discussing-type teaching mode Class interactive topic:more than 3 Teaching reformative measure:ask students to discuss in groups and answer questuions instead of making presentations. 作业与 思考题设置 1. Advanced Preparation 2. Last-minute preparation 3. In-conference preparation 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Ask questions to check students' completion of preview and review, enhance students' ability of critical thinking through group discussion and presentation, and improve the teaching effect by examining students' reflection on learning. 备注 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Improving public speaking skills and memory efficiency 课次 第15讲 授课类型 理论课□讨论课□实验课□习题课□其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 增强口译技巧的实践运用能力 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点:how to prepare 难点:further enhancing memory efficiency 教学内容 1. Discuss what the culture-bound elements are in interpreting 2. Case study 3. Interpreting exercises 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching method:POA and discussing-type teaching mode Class interactive topic:more than 3 Teaching reformative measure:ask students to discuss in groups and answer questuions instead of making presentations. 作业与 思考题设置 Prepare for the final exam. 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Ask questions to check students' completion of preview and review, enhance students' ability of critical thinking through group discussion and presentation, and improve the teaching effect by examining students' reflection on learning. 备注 分课时教案 知识单元名称 Final exam 课次 第16讲 授课类型 理论课□讨论课□实验课□习题课□其他□ 学时 2 课程目标与要求 本单元重点 与难点内容 重点: 难点: 教学内容 Each student should interpret an English passage into Chinese and a Chinese one into English 教学过程设计: 教学方法及手段、课堂互动题设置、教学改革措施等 Teaching method:POA and discussing-type teaching mode Class interactive topic:more than 3 Teaching reformative measure:ask students to discuss in groups and answer questuions instead of making presentations. 作业与 思考题设置 学习效果、学生反馈、反思改进措施等 Ask questions to check students' completion of preview and review, enhance students' ability of critical thinking through group discussion and presentation, and improve the teaching effect by examining students' reflection on learning. 备注

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